The ‘Nature Belongs’ Theory:
What You Are Experiencing Belongs Directly & Nature Evolved It for A Reason.

What you are experiencing belongs directly with respect to what your evolutionary-determined sequence of processing demands for it. If it is surfacing to your consciousness, it belongs. If it’s viscerally or psychologically expressed, it belongs.
Now that we acknowledge it belongs, do not resist it, so it may be processed.
Chances are, there is a sensorial association with something that is resurfacing in relation to what you were experiencing at the time.
I recently had a patient who did not survive a gunshot wound. I got home that night, and a song from 2017 was playing in my head. (Ed Sheeran – Perfect. I DONT EVEN LISTEN TO THIS GUY). I initially didn’t understand why. Then I did.
Eureka Moment: This Belonged.
The place my patient was shot was identical to a patient I had in 2017 who was shot. That song was playing on my Exs playlist when I got home.
Back then, I was depleted. But I was very affected by this shooting. It left a mark on me. The heinous senseless act. I had challenges processing that patient’s passing at that time, and it brought it forth for me here. I could have pushed it away, but in reminding myself ‘ This belongs’, It allowed me to remain curious to what association may arise. Without demanding my psyche to reveal it, I made space with less resistance, but importantly, I MADE AND LEFT SPACE. That’s how the moment was processed.
So much pathology and burden is from our resistance to things, not trusting that ‘this belongs’, and for that reason people are burdened to coping which invokes sufferance. Anxiousness evolving into a diagnosis, depleting into depressive symptoms. Or splitting into other expressions that then get pathologized and potentially medicated.
It needs space and at times it needs processing! As benign a thought or feeling, it belongs. Reduce the burden of new inputs by minimizing tech, and exposure overwhelm and instead cultivating pause, space, time to process, quiet moments, moments in nature, a space to dialogue and work through what arises in you. It belongs. Trust nature. Trust your nature.

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